Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Track Ladder

Last night was my track workout and finally I found a night when there was no girl's lacrosse so I could run on the track. The prospect of running 10 x 800 was a bit much and I didn't know if I could do that many before giving up, so I modified the workout to still get the same mileage at the same pace but without so many of the same distances. I ran a ladder of 400, 800, 1200, 1600, and then back down 1600, 1200, 800, 400. For every lap I ran I took a minute of recovery before the next distance. I tried to keep a 7:00 pace, and ran that pretty closely, except for my 400's which I ran about 90 seconds.

Overall, it was pretty good except I started to feel the famous leg fatigue towards the end of the workout (will this ever go away, or am I going to have to run the last 20 miles of the marathon with very tired legs?) On a lighter note, I was watching the Product Recall episode of the Office, and paused it to carefully read all of Michael's cue cards when he's making his apology tape. Some of them are pretty funny and there are some good lines that the episode doesn't show Michael saying. I laughed anyway.

1 mile warm up
5 mile ladder workout, 7 minutes per mile pace
1/2 mile cool down

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